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Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry


picture of Iida Yuji

Mr. IIDA Yuji has served as a Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) since July 2023.

He supervises ministry affairs, including policy planning and formulation, as well as project implementation. He also leads several teams of officials supporting the Minister, State Ministers and Parliamentary Vice-Ministers.

In his previous role Mr. Iida served as the Director-General of the Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau of METI from July 2022. As head of this bureau, he was responsible for coordinating METI’s economic and industrial initiatives, tax reform measures, corporate governance and support for start-up businesses.

From 2021, as Deputy Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, he oversaw budgets, personnel affairs, and digital transformation at METI. Mr. Iida was instrumental in planning, designing and implementing METI’s policies in these areas.

In his previous role as Deputy Commissioner, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI, he was engaged in the planning of new energy policies toward Japan's "2050 decarbonized society."

Mr. Iida served as Director-General of the Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau at METI. As the head of this bureau, he oversaw the promotion of Japan’s national innovation strategy and the planning and implementation of national research and development projects. He also oversaw industrial standards policy and environmental policy, including Japan’s efforts to combat climate change.

Mr. Iida previously served as Director-General for Policy Planning and Coordination where he supervised all affairs concerning the planning and adjustment of significant policy matters under METI’s jurisdiction. He also took office as Director of the Regional Economic and Industrial Policy Group and supervised regional economic policies.

Prior to this, Mr. Iida served as METI’s Personnel Division Director, promoting workstyle reform within the ministry. He also worked to strengthen human resource development through training and education, as well as optimal personnel allocation.

While serving as the Director of the General Policy Division for the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, he led the establishment of the Strategic Energy Plan, the first address the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and worked to secure funding for the reconstruction of communities in Fukushima Prefecture. He also oversaw the creation of the Energy White Paper and affairs relating to COP19.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Iida held several key post including the Director of the Industrial Revitalization Division, the Executive Assistant to the Chief Cabinet Secretary and the Director of the Minister's Secretariat.

Mr. Iida is a graduate of the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Economics and Emory University’s Goizueta Business School.

He was born on May 2, 1963, in Saitama Prefecture.

Last updated:2023-07-25