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  5. Meeting of the G20 Transport Task Group to be Held

Meeting of the G20 Transport Task Group to be Held

October 25, 2019

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) will jointly hold a meeting of the G20 Transport Task Group (TTG) in Tokyo and will provide an occasion to exchange views with working-level officials of each countries in charge of environmental policies related to vehicles mainly on policies for improving fuel efficiency of and curbing exhaust gas emissions from heavy-duty vehicles, i.e., trucks and buses.

From October 28 (Mon.) to 30 (Wed.), 2019, METI and MLIT, in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States and the European Commission, which are co-chairs of the TTG, will hold a TTG meeting in Tokyo.


The first TTG meeting was held in Argentina in September 2018. As Japan was the host country of the G20 summit meeting in 2019, it was decided to hold a TTG meeting in Japan. METI and MLIT will provide an occasion to exchange views with working-level officials in charge of policies related to vehicles mainly on policies for improving fuel efficiency of and curbing exhaust gas emissions from heavy-duty vehicles.


Taking the opportunity of this meeting, Japan will explain its policies and technologies to participating member countries to encourage dissemination of such policies and technologies across the world and thereby contribute to low-carbonization of heavy-duty vehicles not only in Japan but also in the rest of the world.

  1. Date: October 28 (Mon.) to 30 (Wed.), 2019
  2. Venue: Tokyo
  3. Expected participants

Division in Charge

International Affairs Office, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy