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  5. R&D and Public Implementation Plan Formulated for "Cost Reductions for Offshore Wind Power Generation" Projects

R&D and Public Implementation Plan Formulated for "Cost Reductions for Offshore Wind Power Generation" Projects

October 1, 2021

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has formulated an R&D and Public Implementation Plan that summarizes the contents of "cost reductions for offshore wind power generation" projects that will be implemented using the Green Innovation Fund.

1. Background and purpose

Toward the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, METI has established a Green Innovation Fund at a level of 2 trillion yen under the FY2020 Tertiary Supplementary Budget and decided to assign the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) to its operation. Based on specific goals shared by the public and private sectors, the government will provide continuous support over the next ten years to companies and other organizations  committed to take on challenge toward achieving the ambitious goals as one of the most critical business issues. The support will provide assistance for efforts ranging from research and development (R&D) through demonstrations to public implementation of the outcomes.

In order to ensure the proper and efficient execution of the fund, the Green Innovation Project Committee under the Industrial Structure Council finalized the Fund Allocation Policy for Each Field. Based on this policy, field-specific working groups established under the Committee deliberate on items such as the priority and appropriateness of the amount to be implemented by the fund for each project. Then, the divisions and offices in charge of the project at the responsible ministries formulate the content of each project as an "R&D and Public Implementation Plan," and start calling for applicants.
Today, METI formulated an R&D and Public Implementation Plan for "cost reductions for offshore wind power generation" projects based on discussions by the Working Group on the Field of Green Power Promotion.

2. Main content of the R&D and Public Implementation Plan for "cost reductions for offshore wind power generation" projects

In order to establish technology that can achieve a power generation cost of 8 to 9 yen/kWh with fixed-bottom wind turbines under certain conditions (wind conditions, etc.) and technology to commercialize floating offshore wind turbines at internationally competitive cost levels, the plan is to support the development of technology for wind turbines, floating structures, etc. and support demonstrations based on integrated designs for equipment such as wind turbines, floating structures and cables, that will be suitable for the meteorological and marine conditions in Asia..

3. Future plans

NEDO has started the call for applicants for "cost reductions for offshore wind power generation" projects today. For more information, please see METI's press release "Call for Applicants Starts for Cost Reductions for Offshore Wind Power Generation Projects."

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