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  5. Minister Hagiuda Holds Video Conference with H.E. Mr. Gan Kim Yong, Singaporean Minister for Trade and Industry

Minister Hagiuda Holds Video Conference with H.E. Mr. Gan Kim Yong, Singaporean Minister for Trade and Industry

November 9, 2021

The APEC Ministerial Meeting was held from November 8 to 9. During this occasion, on November 9, Mr. Hagiuda Koichi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, held a video conference with H.E. Mr. Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Trade and Industry of Singapore, and exchanged views on future bilateral cooperation, regional issues, and other matters.

Minister Hagiuda held a video conference with H.E. Mr. Gan Kim Yong, Singaporean Minister for Trade and Industry, on November 9 (Tue.).

In the meeting, the ministers confirmed the promotion of energy transitions in Asia and cooperation between the two countries in the digital field. In the trade field, they also confirmed that they will deepen cooperation toward building a free and fair economic order in the region through the CPTPP and RCEP.


Division in Charge

Asia and Pacific Division, Trade Policy Bureau

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