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  5. WTO Joint Statement Initiative on E-commerce: Statement by Ministers Released

WTO Joint Statement Initiative on E-commerce: Statement by Ministers Released

December 14, 2021

Japan, Australia, and Singapore are the co-conveners of the WTO Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on E-commerce. On December 14(Tue.), the three countries' ministers released a ministerial statement that confirmed the substantial progress made thus far and outlined the future timeframe.

The WTO JSI on E-Commerce began in January 2019, and is co-convened by Japan, Australia, and Singapore. The three co-convening ministers have just released a joint statement confirming the substantial progress made thus far and outlining the future timeframe.

The key points in the statement are as follows:

Together with this, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry released a statement by Minister Hagiuda Koichi.

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Division in Charge

Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau

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