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  5. Minister Hagiuda Holds a TV conference with H.E. Jennifer M. Granholm, United States Secretary of Energy

Minister Hagiuda Holds a TV conference with H.E. Jennifer M. Granholm, United States Secretary of Energy

January 6, 2022

On January 6 (Thu.), 2021, Mr. Hagiuda Koichi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, held a TV conference with H.E. Jennifer M. Granholm, United States Secretary of Energy.

At the meeting, Minister Hagiuda introduced Japan’s effort to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and the reduction target by 2030. Furthermore, Minister Hagiuda and Secretary Granholm exchanged views on future Japan-US cooperation including wide range of cooperation towards innovation and social deployment of clean energy such as hydrogen, fuel-ammonia, CCUS/Carbon Recycling and nuclear energy. On nuclear energy, Minister Hagiuda expressed Japanese government’s policy to undertake demonstrations of small module reactors such as NuScale, and fast reactors through the international collaboration and welcomed the development of Japan-US cooperation in this field. 
Minister Hagiuda and Secretary Granholm also shared the view of Japan-US cooperation towards IEA Ministerial Meeting in February under the chair of Secretary Granholm.

Division in Charge

International Affairs Division, Commissioner’s Secretariat, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy