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State Minister Hosoda Attends WTO-related (Ottawa Group) Ministerial Meeting via Video Conference

January 21, 2022

On January 20 (Thu.), a WTO-related (Ottawa Group) Ministerial Meeting, consisting of like-minded members, was held via video conference, and Mr. Hosoda Kenichi, State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, attended the meeting.

1. Overview of the meeting

The Ottawa Group was inaugurated in 2018, bringing together like-minded WTO members * proactive in WTO reform under the leadership of Canada as its chair. Since the spread of COVID-19, the group has been continuously advancing discussions for the purpose of compiling proposals on approaches to securing members’ access to medical supplies.

* Participants (14 countries and regions as well as the WTO Secretariat):
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, the EU, Japan, Kenya, the ROK, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, UK, and the WTO Secretariat

State Minister Hosoda, Mr. Odawara Kiyoshi, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Ushikusa, Deputy Assistant Minister for International Affairs attended this meeting as representatives of Japan. Participants held discussions mainly on trade and health, and WTO reform.

State Minister Hosoda made the following comments at the meeting.


Division in Charge

Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau

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