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GPAI Summit 2022 to be Held in Japan

October 25, 2022

Joint Press Release with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

GPAI Summit 2022, the annual meeting of the multi-stakeholder initiative Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, will be held at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo from November 21 (Mon.) to 22 (Tue.), 2022.

1. Outline

The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) is a multi-stakeholder international organization that brings together industry, academia, governments, international organizations, and others that share the same values. It was established in 2020 with the founding goal of guiding the responsible and human-centric development and use of AI.
(Reference: The GPAI website)

The GPAI has working groups based on four themes: (1) Responsible AI, (2) Data governance, (3) Future of work, and (4) Innovation and commercialization—which its experts will discuss.
The GPAI Summit 2022 is the partnership's third annual meeting and will be held in Japan, marking its first meeting in Asia. Japan will also serve as the chair for one year, starting in November 2022.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), will promote the democratic value of a human-centric AI community through the GPAI's initiatives, thereby fostering people's trust and communicating the necessity of creating an innovative, inclusive, and sustainable AI community worldwide.

2. Date

November 21 (Mon.) to 22 (Tue.), 2022

3. Venue

Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo

(Note: To be held in a hybrid format with an online broadcast available)

4. Organizers

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

In addition to this summit, side events will be held by AI experts and other guests from Japan and overseas. For more information, including how to register as a participant, please visit the GPAI Summit 2022 official website. 

Division in Charge

Office of International Affairs, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau