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Press Conference by Minister Nishimura (Excerpt)
*Note: This is a provisional translation for reference purposes only.
8:36-8:44 a.m.
Friday, April 7, 2023
Second floor lobby, Annex to the House of Representatives
Opening Remarks
Public-Private Partnership Forum on Increasing Domestic Investment
First, I would like to talk about the Public-Private Partnership Forum on Increasing Domestic Investment, which was convened yesterday.
We have affirmed that thanks to the policy support provided to this point, concrete forms of brisk investment are emerging across the nation taking advantage of regional characteristics. Keidanren Chairman Tokura indicated an ambitious goal of raising the investment amount higher than ever, to 115 trillion yen in fiscal 2027 through the enhancement of policy measures. Chairman Kobayashi of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry also indicated SMEs’ stance of working hard with regard to investment and wage hikes. The government’s efforts to ensure that this momentum will continue without faltering are also important.
At this time, various requests were submitted by the business community, including the introduction of world-class investment promotion measures and the improvement of the innovation environment. In particular, where investment is very vigorous, regional scarcities of land, water and human resources are becoming critical. Request to address those challenges were submitted together with a proposal for regulatory reform. Based on the Prime Minister’s instructions, we will promptly consider those requests and appropriately reflect them in the Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and the Growth Strategy.
The expansion of investment, mainly in non-metropolitan regions, will create high quality jobs and raise the income levels for young people. I expect that this will greatly contribute to overcoming the issue of a declining birthrate by encouraging marriage and childcare.
This evening, the Council on a Strategy for the ChiIdren’s Future will hold a meeting. As I have been appointed a council member, I will participate in the meeting. We will make steady efforts to expand investment and increase high-quality jobs as the key pillars of childcare support policy.
Question-and-Answer Session
Export Control of Semiconductors
Q: Regarding export controls and restrictions related to semiconductors that are being implemented by Japan, the United States and the Netherlands, China requested the WTO to conduct investigation, according to a media report. China appears to be asserting that the export controls violate the WTO principles. Please tell me about the stance of the Japanese Government on that.
A: We are aware of that media report.
Japan has already been engaging in various communications with relevant countries, and in the meantime, from the viewpoint of maintaining international peace and security, Japan has enforced strict export controls based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act in a manner consistent with the WTO Agreements. We will continue to deal with this matter under this policy.
That is all I have to say for the moment.
ALPS-Treated Water
Q: Regarding treated water at Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the IAEA issued a second report. Please comment on that.
A: I understand that on April 5, the IAEA published a report concerning the safety review of ALPS-treated water at Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which was conducted in November last year.
In general, the report did not point out any major problems but stated that the IAEA’s observations in the first review have appropriately been reflected, that the IAEA gained a better understanding, and that it does not see a need to conduct any further technical review missions. While several technical matters were pointed out, my understanding is that those matters have been reflected in the modification of the implementation plan submitted by Tokyo Electric Power to the Nuclear Regulation Authority in February this year, resulting in the enhancement of the substance of the implementation plan.
We will strive to ensure safety by continuing to call on Tokyo Electric Power to take action in light of international safety standards through the IAEA review.
There will be several more reviews on regulatory, and sampling and analysis aspects, and we would like to respond appropriately to those reviews that the IAEA is considering.
Last updated:2023-04-07