Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities


This survey is conducted to acquire a collective and quantitative understanding of the actual conditions of diversification, globalization, internationalization and soft economy of Japanese enterprises to plan various administrative policies from a broad perspective, and to obtain basic data for the implementation of these policies. The scope of this survey covers enterprises with 50 or more employees and whose paid-up capital or investment fund is over 30 million yen, whose operation falls under the mining, manufacturing, and wholesale and retail trade, and eating and drinking places (excluding "Other eating and drinking places*"),other industries such as Electricity and gas service, information service, etc., controlled by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. (For details, refer to Notes on Use.)

*Corresponds to the Japan Standard Industrial Classification (JSIC Rev13), 7622-"Ryotei" (Special Japanese restaurants), 765- Drinking houses and beer halls and 766- Bars, cabarets and night clubs.

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Last Update: Mar 27,2024