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- Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act
Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act

Purpose of the Act
The Purpose of the Act is to prevent hazards and disturbances caused by Electrical Appliances and Materials. The Act regulates the manufacture, import, sale, etc. of Electrical Appliances and Materials to accomplish this purpose.
Scope of the Act
“Electrical Appliances and Materials” are defined in the Act as follows;
- Parts of electrical facilities for general use or machines, appliances, or materials used in connection thereto
- Portable power generators
- Secondary batteries
Electrical Appliances and Materials subject to the Act refer to 457 items designated in the Cabinet Order, including 116 Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials as especially liable to cause hazards and disturbances.

Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials (Category A); 116 items
- AC/DC Power Supply Units
- Extension Power Supply Cords
- Fuse, etc.

Non-Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials (Category B); 341 items
- TV Receivers,
- Electric Cooling Appliances
- LED Lamps,
- Electric refrigerators and electric freezers, etc.
Points of the Act for Notifying Suppliers
(1) Notification of Business to METI (§3 of the Act)
- Enterprises engaged in manufacture or importation of Electrical Appliances and Materials (hereafter, “Notifying Suppliers”) are obliged to notify the commencement of their business to the Ministry Economy, Trade and Industry (hereafter, METI).
- As for imported electrical appliances and materials, it is the importers who have the responsibility to fulfill these obligations under the Act.
- With the exception of the foreign company that has completed register of foreign company under the Company Law, no foreign juridical person shall conduct the Notification of Import Business; provided, however, that, this shall not apply to any individual who lives in Japan.
(2) Obligation to Comply with Technical Requirements (§8 of the Act)
- Notifying Suppliers must ensure their products comply with Technical Requirements of the Ministerial Order to Provide Technical Standards for Electrical Appliances and Materials.
- Notifying Suppliers must conduct self-inspection of their products for the items specified by the Regulation for Enforcement of Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act, and keep records of the self-inspection.
(3) Conformity assessment by Registered CABs (§9 of the Act)
Regarding the Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials (Category A ; 116 items), Notifying Suppliers are obliged to undergo conformity assessments of the Conformity Assessment Bodies registered by METI (hereafter, CABs) for each type classification, in addition to the mandatory self-inspection.
(4) PSE Labeling Requirements (§10 of the Act)
Only those Notifying Suppliers who have fulfilled the obligations mentioned above can affix the PSE Labeling on their products.
(5) Restriction of Sale (§27 of the Act)
Without the PSE Labeling specified in the article 10 of the Act, sale and/or exhibition of Electrical Appliances and Materials is prohibited in Japan.
Last updated:2023-04-13