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- ASEAN-Japan Business Week 2022 ~ toward Innovative and Sustainable Growth ~ to be Held
ASEAN-Japan Business Week 2022 ~ toward Innovative and Sustainable Growth ~ to be Held
May 17, 2022
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will hold the ASEAN-Japan Business Week 2022 in collaboration with relevant organizations from Japan and ASEAN countries from May 30 to June 3. During the Business Week, companies and experts from these countries will present a series of related webinars on the themes of innovation and sustainability.
1. Background
The ASEAN region has long been central in international business for Japanese companies, and the environment has undergone significant changes in recent years. The diversifying needs and intensifying competition along with economic development have not let up, even amid COVID-19. Digitalization in particular has continued to gain pace. With greater affluence comes greater interest in social issues. Sustainability has become a strong concern in many aspects of life. As the international trend toward decarbonization accelerates, new business opportunities are expected to emerge. The so-called Green Growth is a prime example.
Given these circumstances, it is important to proactively monitor ASEAN businesses and stay informed on the direction and speed of these transformations. In January of this year, the Japanese government announced its policy to strengthen its relationship with ASEAN countries as partners to co-create an innovative and sustainable economy and society (ASIA-Japan Investing for the Future Initiative).
2. Outline of the event
METI and relevant organizations from Japan and ASEAN countries will invite experts and members of industry from a wide range of fields to hold the ASEAN-Japan Business Week 2022 ~ toward Innovative and Sustainable Growth ~ as an opportunity to discuss the current state of ASEAN businesses and sustainability. The key words of the event are innovation and sustainability.
Following last year’s first seminar, this year’s online seminar series will let us examine the latest developments and future possibilities for ASEAN businesses. The series will give us concrete examples of initiatives from companies that are leading the way. It will also provide a wide range of discussions with experts from various fields on issues and measures to accelerate and expand these initiatives.
3. Event information
May 30 (Mon.) to June 3 (Fri.), 2022
(Webinars organized by institutions will be held during this period)
Japanese (simultaneous English/Japanese interpretation available)
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Japan Business Federation, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), ASEAN Promotion Centre on Trade, Investment and Tourism (ASEAN-Japan Centre), ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC), ASEAN-Japan Business Council (AJBC), Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) Secretariat
In cooperation with:
Sansan, Inc., Nikkei Inc.
Participation fee:
4. Program and application
Register for ASEAN-Japan Business Week 2022: URL
5. (Reference) Previous Efforts by METI
- At the ASEAN Economic Minister (AEM) - METI Consultations held in August 2020, given that economic and industrial cooperation with ASEAN was at a major turning point, the two sides agreed to newly establish the public-private "Dialogue for Innovative and Sustainable Growth" aimed at further strengthening growth potential through innovation and at the same time achieving sustainable economic growth.
- At the AEM-METI Consultations held in September 2021, ASEAN countries and Japan welcomed further promotion of public-private partnership between the two sides aimed at post-COVID-19 economic growth, based on the Dialogue for Innovative and Sustainable Growth (DISG) launched at the previous year's meeting.
- ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting and Related Meetings held (August 28, 2020)
- 27th ASEAN Economic Ministers' (AEM) - METI Consultations Held (September 15, 2021)
- An outline of the Dialogue for Innovative and Sustainable Growth (in Japanese)(PDF:218KB)
- Since the Dialogue for Innovative and Sustainable Growth (DISG) was established, a series of webinars were held with representatives from a wide range of industries and academia from both ASEAN countries and Japan. The webinars have been held nine times with a wide range of themes including energy and facilitating trade, and discussions on new industrial cooperation efforts with ASEAN countries.
Division in Charge
Asia and Pacific Division, Trade Policy Bureau