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Minister Nishimura Holds Meeting with WIPO Director General Tang

February 27, 2023

Mr. Nishimura Yasutoshi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, held a meeting with Mr. Daren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ※1. They reached a consensus on mutual cooperation with each other on international initiatives to promote solving social issues through the use of intellectual property at the EXPO 2025 OSAKA, KANSAI, JAPAN.


On Monday, February 27, Minister Nishimura held a meeting with Mr. Daren Tang, Director General of WIPO.
During the meeting, they shared the recognition that the presence of WIPO is essential for Japanese industry since intellectual property is the driving force of innovation, and that it is important to further deepen the cooperative relationship between WIPO and Japan.
Minister Nishimura proposed that Japan cooperate with WIPO for the presentation of cases generated through the I-OPEN Project*2 as an opportunity to further promote the importance of solving social issues through the use of intellectual property at the EXPO 2025 OSAKA, KANSAI, and WIPO and Japan agreed to cooperate with each other.

*1 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): A specialized organization of the United Nations that administers international intellectual property systems.

*2: “I-OPEN Project”: Under this project, various players such as startups, non-profit corporations, female entrepreneur and youth receive close assistance from experts who are familiar with intellectual property and business. With such assistance, the project supports the realization of solving social issues through the use of intellectual property. I-OPEN Project has been implemented by the Japan Patent Office of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Division in Charge

International Policy Division, Policy Planning and Coordination Department, Japan Patent Office
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