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  5. 53 Enterprises Selected under the 2024 KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection

53 Enterprises Selected under the 2024 KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection

March 11, 2024

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) have jointly been selecting outstanding listed enterprises engaging in a KENKO Investment for Health in which enterprises focus on and strategically carry out efforts with regard to their employees’ and other workers’ health from a management perspective, and recognizing them as brands under the KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection. This program aims to introduce the selected enterprises as attractive investment options to investors who prioritize the improvement of corporate value from a long-term perspective. Through this effort, METI and TSE aim to encourage enterprises to further engage in KENKO Investment for Health.

The 2024 Selection is the 10th such selection, and on March 11, 2024, METI hereby announces that 53 enterprises in 27 industries were selected as brands for the 2024 Health & Productivity Stock Selection.


1. Method for selecting enterprises under the 2024 KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection

Prior to the final selection, METI conducted the FY2023 Survey on KENKO Investment for Health*1. In light of the results of the survey, the selection was made on the basis of one enterprise per industry*2 from listed companies within the top 500 applicants (in the large enterprise category) with the highest levels of KENKO Investment for Health.

*Note 1: The survey uncovered enterprises' and other companies' efforts for strategically implementing employees' health management.

*Note 2: METI also selected enterprises in each industry that performed better than the average of the highest-ranking enterprises as recognized brands under the KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection, while taking into account the criteria below.

Major selection criteria

  1. Having no records of major legal violations;
  2. Being positioned within the top 500 applicants (in the large enterprise category) with the highest levels of KENKO Investment for Health;
  3. Having an average ROE (return on equity) that is 0% or higher for the past three years or has not declined for the past three consecutive years. Additional points to be given to enterprises with a high ROE; and
  4. Additional points to be given based on the assessment of whether they responded to the previous fiscal year’s survey and the degree of information disclosure to outside stakeholders.

2. List of the selected enterprises under the 2024 Selection (53 enterprises in 27 industries, in the order of industry)

3. Outline of the 2024 KENKO Investment for Health Management Award


March 12 (Tue.) and 13 (Wed.), 2024


Iino Hall (Iino Building, 1-1, Uchisaiwai-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)


The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)


Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi


The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and Nikkei Inc.

Program (tentative):

Day 1:  KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection: 13:00 to 15:00

Day 2: Outstanding Organizations of KENKO Investment for Health: 13:00 to 16:00


Note: The term " KENKO Investment for Health " is a registered trademark of Nonprofit Organization Kenkokeiei.

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Division in Charge

Healthcare Industries Division, Commerce and Service Industry Policy Group