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  5. 6th ASEAN-Japan Smart Cities Network High Level Meeting Held

6th ASEAN-Japan Smart Cities Network High Level Meeting Held

October 31, 2024

For two days from Tuesday, October 29, to Wednesday, October 30, 2024, the 6th ASEAN-Japan Smart Cities Network High Level Meeting was held in Tokyo. Mr. Takeuchi Shinji, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, delivered a speech for the opening ceremony in the form of a video message.

1. The 6th ASEAN-Japan Smart Cities Network High Level Meeting (hereinafter referred to as the "high level meeting")

The 6th high level meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in Tokyo. This meeting brought together representatives of ASEAN member states, including vice-minister and director-general level officials responsible for infrastructure, those of the cities chosen for the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN),* and those of Japanese companies, municipalities, and governmental organizations. The aim of the meeting was to encourage these economies and cities to cooperate further through the ASCN.

Focusing on the theme of green transformation (GX), the high level meeting provided briefings on cooperative efforts between ASEAN cities and Japan, explanations of outstanding examples of efforts by Japanese companies and cities, business matching events between ASEAN cities and Japanese companies, and other events.

*Note: The ASCN is an initiative launched by ASEAN that was inaugurated under the leadership of Singapore, the 2018 ASEAN chair. The initiative aims to promote cooperation toward the development of smart cities. Thirty-one model cities from ten ASEAN member states were selected.

2. Speech by Parliamentary Vice-Minister Takeuchi (video message)

At the opening ceremony for the high level meeting, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Takeuchi delivered a speech in the form of a video message. With regard to GX, the theme of the meeting, he stressed the importance of the ideas shared by the Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC), including the simultaneous achievement of decarbonization, economic growth, and energy security, and the pursuit of net-zero emissions through various pathways. Moreover, he explained Japan’s efforts to support Viet Nam and Indonesia in advancing the smart cities projects through the Global South Future-Oriented Co-Creation Project.


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Trade Promotion Division, Trade Policy Bureau