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  5. State Minister Ogushi Visits the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and participates in the 3rd Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum

State Minister Ogushi Visits the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and participates in the 3rd Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum

December 18, 2024

On Monday, December 16, and Tuesday, December 17, 2024, Mr. Ogushi Masaki, State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, visited Abidjan, the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, and attended a plenary session of the 3rd Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum, which was co-hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and the government of Côte d'Ivoire. In addition, Mr. Muto Yoji, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, delivered a video message.

The forum brought together the following representatives: State Minister Ogushi, Mr. Matsumoto Hisashi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kataoka Susumu, President, JETRO, Mr. Karube Jun, Chair of Committee on Africa, KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation), Mr. Ide Tatsuya, Chairperson of Japan-Middle East/Africa Relations Committee, Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) and other stakeholders of around 100 Japanese companies from Japan; some officials, including the Prime Minister, from Côte d'Ivoire, a co-host country; about 20 ministerial-level officials and as many as about 1,200 government officials from 40 African countries; and business stakeholders, including five companies participating in a mission of startups. These participants exchanged views on cooperation between private companies in Japan and Africa as well as on the efforts made by the public and private sectors to promote Japanese companies' business activities.

1. The 3rd Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum

The forum brought together State Minister Ogushi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Matsumoto, President Kataoka, Chair Karube, Chairperson Ide, and other stakeholders of about 100 Japanese companies from Japan.

It also brought together H.E. Mr. Robert Beugré Mambé, Prime Minister of the government of Côte d’Ivoire, a co-host country, and representatives of 40 African countries, including about 20 ministerial-level officials, amounting to as many as 1,200 government officials and business stakeholders.

At the forum, participants exchanged views on cooperation between private companies in Japan and Africa as well as on the efforts made by the public and private sectors to promote Japanese companies' business activities.

At the forum, Minister Muto delivered remarks via a video message and State Minister Ogushi delivered an opening speech. Specifically, he presented the following new cooperation measures by METI: (1) establishing Japan Africa Co-Creation for Industry (JACCI) as an initiative for supporting Japanese companies through startups, (2) supporting enhanced collaboration with third countries, including India (Japan-India- Africa forum scheduled to be held in February 2025), and (3) enhancing financial support by NEXI and JBIC, which are export credit agencies for GX and other projects.

At three sessions, stakeholders from the public and private sectors in Japan and Africa held proactive discussions on the following themes: (1) Innovation, Industrialization, Inclusivity, (2) Green, Infrastructure, Finance Solutions, and (3) Connectivity, Integration.

  1. Participants held discussions on seeking specific efforts to be taken in which Japanese companies make use of digital transformation (DX), contribute to solving social issues and promote industrialization in Africa.
  2. Participants showed the awareness that, as an approach to realizing sustainable growth in Africa, it is important to seek a realistic energy transition towards decarbonization in a way that ensures economic growth and energy security, through a variety of pathways tailored to the realities of each African country. In addition, they held discussions on the utilization of a new financing schemes to achieve a sustainable society, including support for infrastructure development, using technologies from Japanese companies.
  3. Participants held discussions on specific strategies for promoting integration within the African region and efforts to strengthen supply chain resilience in the field of mineral resources for a decarbonized society. They also sought ways to strengthen collaboration with third countries, including India, the Middle East, and Europe, and to promote the development of business in Africa.

In addition to these discussions, taking the opportunity of the forum, a total of 44 memorandums of understanding on cooperation were concluded, and 14 of the most representative MOUs were announced.

State Minister Ogushi delivering an opening speech
Participants listening to the opening speech by State Minister Ogushi (over 1,200 people)
Prime Minister Mambé, H.E. Mr. Kacou Houadja Léon Adom, Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mr. Souleymane Diarrassouba, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Côte d’Ivoire, and other participants

2. Pitch presentations by companies participating in the startup mission

Taking the opportunity of the forum, METI sent a mission of five Japanese startups that are highly motivated to develop business in Africa and that have methods for solving social issues through innovation (participating companies: ArkEdge Space (space), Dots for (IoT), SOIK (healthcare), SORA Technology (drones), and WOTA (clean technology)).

At the beginning of the opening session, these startups held a pitch presentation, attracting interest from ministers and business stakeholders from various countries. Following this, a networking event was held between these startups and African startups that held presentations with these Japanese startups.

Representatives of companies participating in the mission

3. Side event held by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Taking the opportunity of the forum, IRENA held a side event in which IRENA explained the prospects for investment and technological dissemination involving renewable energy in Africa for the present and future. Following this, Mr. Arai Masayoshi, Director-General, Trade Policy Bureau, METI, held a presentation on Japan’s contributions to the field of renewable energy, and then a panel discussion was held on the challenges faced in disseminating renewable energy in Africa and international cooperation to combat those challenges.

Presentation by Director-General Arai
Speakers related to IRENA

In addition, JICA held a seminar on human resource development in the industrial sector, and UNIDO hosted a site tour targeting Japanese companies.

4. Working lunch with Prime Minister Mambé and Minister Diarrassouba, Côte d’Ivoire

A working lunch was held between stakeholders of Japanese companies, who delivered speeches at the forum, and ministers of African countries, including Prime Minister Mambé. Representatives of the Japanese companies explained the status of their business in Côte d’Ivoire and other parts of Africa, as well as their future business prospects. Meanwhile, President Kataoka of JETRO, a co-host organization, mentioned the achievements of business missions that JETRO dispatched and stated that they will continue to support the industrial advancement of Côte d’Ivoire. Minister Diarrassouba explained the growth potential and geopolitical advantages of Côte d’Ivoire and communicated his high expectations for further investment by Japanese companies.

Working lunch with Prime Minister Mambé and Minister Diarrassouba, Côte d’Ivoire

5. Meeting with Prime Minister Mambé, Côte d’Ivoire

A meeting with Prime Minister Mambé was held. The Prime Minister stated that Côte d’Ivoire would like to further enhance the Japan-Côte d’Ivoire relationship.

Meeting with Prime Minister Mambé, Côte d’Ivoire

6. Meeting with Minister Diarrassouba, Côte d’Ivoire

A meeting with Minister Diarrassouba was held, together with Chair Karube, Committee on Africa, Keidanren. The two sides confirmed the importance of stabilizing and improving the investment environment and strengthening cooperative relations between the two countries

Meeting with Minister Diarrassouba, Côte d’Ivoire

7. Meeting with H.E. Mr. Samba, Deputy Prime Minister, and H.E. Ms. Bestine Kazadi Ditabala, Delegated Minister to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Francophonie in charge of International Cooperation and Francophonie, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

A meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Samba and Delegated Minister Kazadi Ditabala was held. The two sides exchanged views on efforts for strengthening bilateral economic ties as well as on cooperation in the field of mining. Concerning the cooperation in the field of mineral resources, in particular, Mr. Daito Michio, President of JOGMEC and participant in the meeting, explained JOGMEC’s business support for diversifying and stabilizing the mineral supply chain. State Minister Ogushi called for strengthening bilateral cooperation. Deputy Prime Minister Samba stated that the country would like to further strengthen the Japan-Congo relationship in a wide range of fields.

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Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Samba and Delegated Minister Kazadi, DRC

8. Meeting with H.E. Mr. Romuald Wadagni, Minister of Economy and Finance, the Republic of Benin

A meeting with Minister Wadagni was held, and the two sides exchanged views on cooperation mainly in the fields of investment agreements, energy and mineral resources, and human resource development in the industrial sector, as an effort for strengthening bilateral economic ties. Following this, they shared awareness of the importance of linking the outcomes of this forum to the Ninth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 9), which is scheduled to be held in Yokohama in August 2025.

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Meeting with Minister Wadagni, Benin

9. Meeting with H.E. Mr. Ismaël Nabé, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, the Republic of Guinea

A meeting with Minister Nabé was held. The Minister communicated his high expectations for Japan in terms of economic relationships, and the two sides confirmed the importance of stabilizing and improving the investment environment.

Meeting with Minister Nabé, Guinea

10. Meeting with H.E. Dr. Gibril Ibrahim Mohamed, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, the Republic of the Sudan

A meeting with Minister Gibril was held. The Minister communicated his high expectations for Japan in terms of human resource development, and the two sides confirmed the importance of stabilizing and improving the investment environment.

Meeting with Minister Gibril, Sudan

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Division in Charge

Africa Office, Middle East and Africa Division, Trade Policy Bureau