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- Launch of the Second Round of the Japan-U.S. Task Force on the Promotion of Human Rights and International Labor Standards in Supply Chains
Launch of the Second Round of the Japan-U.S. Task Force on the Promotion of Human Rights and International Labor Standards in Supply Chains
December 19, 2024
The second round of the Japan-U.S. Task Force on the Promotion of Human Rights and International Labor Standards in Supply Chains was launched. During the dialogues, the Japanese and U.S. governments, along with stakeholders, exchanged information on their respective initiatives.
Established in January 2023, the Task Force aims to protect and promote human rights and internationally recognized labor rights in supply chains. Its activities include sharing information on respective trade policies, laws, guidelines, and, where appropriate, enforcement practices.
The Task Force convened its second round, co-chaired by Director-General, International Economic Affairs Department and Deputy Director-General for Business and Human Rights Policy KASHIWABARA Kyoko for Japan and by acting Assistant United States Trade Representative (AUSTR) Brenna Dougan for the United States. The government-to-government dialogue, along with the industry outreach, took place virtually on October 6 and December 18, Japan time.
During the government-to-government dialogue, Japan reported on its policies to promote business efforts aimed at respecting human rights in supply chains, and initiatives for international cooperation regarding human rights due diligence. Meanwhile, the United States provided updates on the implementation policy of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act and initiatives related to seafood supply chains.
In the industry outreach, the Japanese and U.S. governments presented their respective regulations and policies regarding respect for human rights in diverse supply chains, including seafood supply chains. Additionally, the participants exchanged information on their initiatives by the Japanese and U.S. industries regarding respect for human rights.
Participating ministries for the government-to-government dialogue
- Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and industry; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
- United States: Office of the United States Trade Representative, Department of Labor, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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Division in Charge
Business and Human Rights Policy Office, Trade Policy Bureau