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Nadeshiko Brands Selected for FY2022

-METI selected 15 listed enterprises for their outstanding efforts in encouraging women's empowerment!-

March 22, 2023

[Revised on July 13, 2023]
The number of companies selected for the Nadeshiko Brands has been revised from "16" to "15" due to the exclusion of one company from the "Nadeshiko Brands Selected Companies".
[Revised on July 3, 2023]
The number of companies selected for the Nadeshiko Brands has been revised from "17" to "16" due to the exclusion of one company from the "Nadeshiko Brands Selected Companies".

On March 22, 2023, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) jointly selected and publicized 15 TSE-listed enterprises from each of industries, that are outstanding in terms of encouraging women's empowerment in the workplace, granting them the Nadeshiko Brands designation. Starting this year, METI will make the enterprises' efforts visible and further promote them to the capital and labor markets by posting both quantitative data on those that responded to a survey* and a collection of best practices in enterprises selected for the Nadeshiko Brands on the METI website.
Note: The Nadeshiko Brands were selected based on the results of responses to the Survey on Enterprises Encouraging Women's Empowerment in the Workplace, which is conducted in order to understand the situation regarding companies' promotion of women's empowerment in the workplace.

1. Outline of the Nadeshiko Brands

The Nadeshiko Brands initiative aims to introduce certain TSE-listed enterprises that are outstanding in terms of encouraging women's empowerment in the workplace as attractive stocks to investors who place emphasis on improving corporate value in the medium- and long-term, thereby further raising investors' interest in such enterprises and accelerating the encouragement of women's empowerment in outstanding enterprises.

METI and the TSE assessed 312 TSE-listed enterprises that responded to the survey based on quantitative data regarding women's empowerment and information they provided regarding the commitment of their management to encouraging women's empowerment in the enterprise, their positioning of women's success as part of their business strategy, their level of information disclosure, and other factors. The most outstanding enterprise in each industry was then selected to be a Nadeshiko Brands, for a total of 15 enterprises. This year marks the 11th round of the Nadeshiko Brands, and it has been updated to promote the disclosure of information related to efforts to encourage women’s success, in addition to selecting enterprises that encourage women's empowerment as part of their business strategy. This is in consideration of discussions in recent years on how non-financial information (e.g., information on human capital) should be disclosed.
This year, in addition to a quantitative questionnaire on their situation surrounding women's empowerment, enterprises completed a qualitative questionnaire including individual stories of how they positioned encouraging women's empowerment as part of their business strategy and how their efforts increased their corporate value. They were then assessed based on both quantitative and qualitative data.

2. Enterprises Selected as Nadeshiko Brands

The following enterprises were selected as the FY2022 Nadeshiko Brands.
Enterprises selected as Nadeshiko Brands in past fiscal years are shown with a solid dot (●), while those selected as Semi-Nadeshiko in past fiscal years are shown with a white dot (〇).
(Note 1) The Semi-Nadeshiko were high-scoring enterprises in past surveys that were ranked within the top 15% or higher of all candidate enterprises, regardless of industry category, but were not selected as Nadeshiko Brands. No Semi-Nadeshiko were selected for FY2022.

Name of industry type Securities
Name of selected enterprise Selected year (Fiscal Year)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
FOODS  2802 Ajinomoto Co., Inc.          
ENERGY RESOURCES 5019 Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd.                    
RAW MATERIALS & CHEMICALS 4911 Shiseido Company, Limited              
PHARMACEUTICAL 4578 Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.                
STEEL & NONFERROUS METALS 5801 Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.                
MACHINERY 6301 Komatsu Ltd.            
IT & SERVICES, OTHERS  2130 Members Co., Ltd.                  
TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS 9104 Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.                
COMMERCIAL & WHOLESALE TRADE 2768 Sojitz Corporation        
FINANCIALS (EX BANKS) 8630 Sompo Holdings, Inc.          
REAL ESTATE  8801 Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.                  

3. FY2022 Report on the Nadeshiko Brands and other released materials

The following four materials related to the Nadeshiko Brands will be published on the METI website.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website:Nadeshiko Brands: Enterprises Outstanding in Terms of Encouraging Women's Empowerment in the Workplace 外部リンク
FY2022 Report on the Nadeshiko Brands

Details of the materials

Report on the Nadeshiko Brands

Project overview and the survey results and situation regarding selection for this fiscal year

List of quantitative data on Nadeshiko Brands enterprises and respondent enterprises (compiled for the first time)

List of quantitative data for some items in the quantitative questionnaire

Note: Contains information only for enterprises that provided consent for disclosure of the information

List of case studies on Nadeshiko Brands enterprises (compiled for the first time)

Qualitative questionnaires for Nadeshiko Brands enterprises

Noteworthy Enterprises

A collection of best practices that strategically address the following two points.

  1. Issues related to encouraging women's empowerment in technical fields at the time of recruitment, assignment, training, and other situations, and efforts to address them (e.g., training, improvement of environment, PR activities)
  2. Concrete examples of Femtech and efforts to resolve health issues unique to female employees and create environments to facilitate women's empowerment

Division in Charge

Economic and Social Policy Office, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau