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Indices of Industrial Production

Preliminary Report for October 2022 (released at 8:50, November 30, 2022)

  • Industrial Production is picking up slowly, but shows signs of decrease in part.
  • Production, Shipments, Inventories, Inventory Ratio decreased.
  • According to the Survey of Production Forecast in Manufacturing, Production is expected to increase in November and December.
2015 average=100
Seasonally Adjusted Index Original Index
index Percent change from the previous month(%) index Percent change from the previous year (%)
Production 95.9 -2.6 96.2 3.7
Shipments 94.1 -1.1 94.4 4.8
Inventories 103.0 -0.8 102.7 4.7
Inventory Ratio 118.3 -5.1 120.3 2.1

Industrial Production

Industries that mainly contributed to the decreased
1.Production machinery, 2.Electronic parts and devices, 3.Chemicals (excl. Inorganic, organic chemicals, and medicine), in that order.
Industries that mainly contributed to the increased
1.Motor vehicles, 2.General-purpose and business oriented machinery, 3.Electrical machinery, and Information and communication electronics equipment, in that order.


Industries that mainly contributed to the decreased
1.Production machinery, 2.Motor vehicles, 3.Electronic parts and devices, in that order.
Industries that mainly contributed to the increased
1.General-purpose and business oriented machinery, 2.Petroleum and coal products, 3.Electrical machinery, and Information and communication electronics equipment, in that order.


Industries that mainly contributed to the decreased
1.Motor vehicles, 2.Electronic parts and devices, 3.Iron, steel and Non-ferrous metals, in that order.
Industries that mainly contributed to the increased
1.Petroleum and coal products, 2.Inorganic and organic chemicals, 3.Production machinery, in that order.

Indices of Industrial Production Forecast*1

Seasonally Adjusted Index
Percent change from the previous month(%)
November 2022 December 2022
Survey in November 2022 3.3 2.4
Survey in October 2022 0.8
Industries that mainly contributed to the increased in November
1.Production machinery, 2.Chemicals, 3.General-purpose and business oriented machinery, in that order.
Industries that mainly contributed to the increased in December
1.Transport equipment, 2.General-purpose and business oriented machinery, 3.Production machinery, in that order.

* Indices of Industrial Production Forecast is conducted monthly to search the planned production amounts for the current and proceeding months.
The survey is one of the useful economic indicators which reflect changing business conditions and provide a view of where the economy is heading in the near future.

data download

Report on IIP( Production, shipments and Inventories )PDF file
Historical data of each index, Indices classified by Industry, Indices classified by use of Goods.
Historical data etc.(data download)
Excel and csv files of each index (Year, Fiscal Year, Quarter, Month), previous data, weight of Indices of Industrial Production, etc..
Results in the past
Outline of the result, Report on IIP in the past.
Release date of Indices of Industrial Production
We have published the release date of the Indices of Industrial Production(November 2021 - February 2023). Please click the above-mentioned.
(updated at December 28, 2021)
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Last updated:2022-11-30

Economic Analysis Office

Research and Statistics Department


Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8901, Japan Tel: +81-(0)3-3501-1511
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.