Thank you for visiting the website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan. We have prepared answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions to help you make the most of this website.

Q1. How can I obtain information about specific companies or products for exports to Japan and imports from Japan?


You can obtain the necessary information through the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). They provide free, up-to-date information on Japanese trade and investment, as well as consulting services, all in English.

Q2. How can I obtain information on Japanese economic trends, trade, industry, technology, market development, and business practices?


You can access a wealth of information on Japan's economic trends, trade, industry, technology, market developments, and business practices through the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). They also offer guides on entering the Japanese market and materials on governmental regulations and the investment environment, mostly in English and free of charge.

Q3. How do I obtain trade statistics?


Trade Statistics of Japan are issued by the Ministry of Finance. 

Q4. Where can I find fundamental statistics data on the state of Japan?


You can obtain a wide range of official statistics, including Population Census, through the Statistics Bureau of Japan. They play a central role in producing and disseminating these statistics under the Statistics Act and other legislation.
Links to the Statistics Bureau of JapanExternal Site Link

On the website of the Statistics Bureau, you can also access links to other statistical agencies, including International Organizations and Overseas Statistical Offices.
Links to Statistical Agencies (Statistics Bureau of Japan) External Site Link

Q5. Are there any rules for using the content on the METI website?


Please refer to Terms of Use for details.

Q6. Do I need permission to set up a link to the METI website?


In principle, users are free to create links to information on the website (The same shall apply not only to links to the top page but also to those to individual information webpages; however, this does not apply to information contained on the websites where restrictions concerning links are denoted. When creating appropriate links, please ensure the following:

Please verify the details in the "Links" section of the "Terms of Use".

Q7. What if I can’t find the information I am looking for on the website?


Please refer to the "Site Map" regarding how information is classified into sections. 
If you still can't find the desired information, you can search the entire website by entering keywords in the search window.

Q8. I have some questions/opinions about policies related to METI. How can I submit such questions/opinions?


If you have any comments, questions, or opinions, please send them via email using the “Contact Form”.

If you are a journalist with a media inquiry for the press office, please contact the METI Press Team below.
📩bzl-kaigaihodo01 (at) meti.go.jp
*Please replace (at) with @ when sending the mail.

Please note that the press team will not respond to any requests, comments or inquiries from non-members of the media.

Contact Information (Individual Case)

The following pages are related to the most frequently inquired about policy fields.