- Statistics
- The 2000 Japan-U.S. Input-Output Table
The 2000 Japan-U.S. Input-Output Table
Statistics report
( Upload on October 20, 2005 )
Research and Statistics Department
Minister's Secretariat
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry ( METI ), Japan
We are pleased to issue the newly compiled Japan-US Input-Output Table for 2000.
This is one of the international input-output tables that we have periodically compiled and publicized since the days of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Having developed our expertise in the course of preparing domestic input-output tables, we have used that knowledge to compile international input-output tables, which are created by processing and integrating input-output tables of more than one country. International input-output tables help us understand and analyze, quantitatively and consistently, the international interdependence among various industries and also provide us with information useful for solving economic problems.
Economic problems are becoming increasingly internationalized and, as a result, complicated in today's world, where economic interdependence among countries has increased in scale and degree thanks largely to the spread of international trading and investment, the advancement of information and telecommunications technology, and the promotion of personal exchanges.
To solve such difficult economic problems, we need to understand the trend of the specific industry or product causing a problem and also the effects of an industrial policy taken by a certain country on other industries and countries.
We hope this Japan-US I-O Table serves as a comprehensive and effective tool not only for policymakers but also for scholars, researchers, businesspersons, etc., both at home and abroad to analyze and study the international economy.
For the preparation of this table, we received guidance and cooperation from so many people of diverse backgrounds. Thank you very much for all the support.
PDF file ( 1,817KB )
( Contents )
- <Chapter 1> Outline of The 2000 Japan-U.S. Input-Output Table
- <Chapter 2> Analysis of The 2000 Japan-U.S. Input-Output Table
- <Chapter 3> Compilation of The 2000 Japan-U.S. Input-Output Table
- <Chapter 4> Classification of The 2000 Japan-U.S. Input-Output Table
EXCEL ( The 2000 Japan-U.S. Input-Output Table )
Data ( 27 sector )( 571KB )
Classification of The 2000 Japan-U.S. Input-Output Table ( 63KB )
(Upload on Jan. 22, 2007)
* If you have something to comment, please e-mail us.
Economic Analysis Office
Research and Statistics Department
E-mail : qqcebc@meti.go.jp