For Importers
- Newly required information to importers in Japan under amended Chemical Substances Control Law (CSCL) (PDF:242KB)
- Notification of the Manufacturing Amount, etc. of General Chemical Substances and Priority Assessment Chemical Substances Preliminary Preparation Materials (PDF:348KB)
- The special procedure to submit the notification of imported quantity under CSCL
- Japanese Use Category under amended CSCL (PDF:58KB)
The Joint Committee compiled and released a report
Class I Specified Chemical Substances
- Handling of Chemical Substances Containing By-Product Class I Specified Chemical Substances (provisonal translation by the government, March 2016)
- Organic Pigments That Can Unintentionally Contain Polychlorinated Biphenyl
- By-product Substances, e.g. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)
- Report on BAT Levels concerning By-product HCB in TCPA and Solvent Red 135 (Provisional translation by the government, November 2006) (PDF:629KB)
- Report on BAT Levels concerning By-product HCB in Other Pigments Derived from TCPA and Phthalocyanine Pigment (Provisional translation by the government, April 2007) (PDF:816KB)
The Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
Last updated:2016-03-04