1. ホーム
  2. 政策について
  3. 政策一覧
  4. 対外経済
  5. 貿易管理
  6. 原産地証明
  7. 2023年1月1日以降のRCEP協定第2.6条(税率差ルール)に関する原産地証明手続について(日本語・英語)



From January 1, 2023, the issuance of Proof of Origin for the goods originating in Japan under the RCEP Agreement will be based on the transposed Product-Specific Rules(PSR) in HS 2022, while the determination of the RCEP country of origin in accordance with Article 2.6.3 will continue to be based on the Appendices to the Annex I in HS2012, until the final version of the Appendices transposed in HS2022 are submitted by respective Parties and notified through the RCEP secretariat.
