- Statistics
- Big data as data sources for Current Survey of Commerce :Test survey in large-scale speciality retailers for home electric appliances
Big data as data sources for Current Survey of Commerce :Test survey in large-scale speciality retailers for home electric appliances
Survey outline
1.Survey purpose
The test survey is conducted in order to seek the way of utilizing new data sources for one of the official statistics: the Current Survey of Commerce (part 2), the fundamental statistics survey under the Statistics Act. The test survey puts its focus on clarifying the trends in sales activities of large-scale speciality retailers for home electric appliances, by accessing big data, represented by scanner data (Point Of Sales data, hereinafter referred to as “POS data”). Viewing to put this alternative methodology into practical use, operation of official statistics' production shall be examined from long-term perspective. With the aim of acquiring knowledge to take further measures for the enhancement of official statistics, the test survey is likely to determine the feasibility of efficiency improvement mainly by reducing operation burdens of survey objects, of early publication attainment, furthermore, of grasping precise business confidence by means of subdividing outputs of statistical survey.
4.Survey scope
- 1) Geographic scope
- Japan nationwide
- 2) Retailer scope
- Businesses that have establishments classified as "5931 Electrical appliance stores, except secondhand goods" or "5932 Office machinery of electric appliance stores, except secondhand goods" in the Japan Standard Industrial Classification (Rev. 13, October 2013) and have 10 or more large-scale speciality retailers for home electric appliances with 500 ㎡ or more sales floor space.
5.Sample design
- Complete sample
- Definition of survey object aligning with that of the Current Survey of Commerce (part 2)
6.Survey items
- 1) Definition of survey items
- Name of enterprise, corporate number
- Store number, prefecture number
- Commodity sales
- Commodity stocks at the end of term (at the end of March, June, September, December)
- *No.1 to No.3 of the above are summarized based on scanner data (POS data), while No.4 is covered by transferring the information surveyed by the method of the Current Survey of Commerce (part 2), the fundamental statistics survey under the Statistics Act.
- 2) Period coverage
- Daily commodity sales data, including the past data, during January 1st, 2015 - December 31st, 2018.
- The date of survey for commodity stocks is the end of term (March, June, September, December).
- 1) Questionnaire design
- Test survey: In the area of large-scale speciality retailers for home electric appliances
- - For general submission: July 2018 - December 2018 (plan)
- - For initial submission: January 2015 - June 2018 (plan)
- 2) Table of merchandise classification, correspondence table of prefectures and the Bureaus of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- Table of merchandise classification
- Correspondence table of prefectures and the Bureaus of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
8.Date of survey
- 1) Survey frequency
- Daily (July 2018 - December 2018) (plan)
- 2) Term for questionnaire submission
- Term for submission is the following day of the date of survey.
- With regards to the commodity stocks at the end of term, term for submission is the 15th of the following month of the date of survey
9.Survey method, route
- 1) Organizations related to the survey
- Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
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- Entrusted private enterprise
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- Survey objects
- 2) Survey methodology (online survey)
- Survey objects send necessary big data, such as scanner data (POS data) of survey items No.1 to No.3, via VPN to the entrusted private enterprise, by the following day of the date of survey. The entrusted private enterprise summarize survey items, sent from the survey objects, into questionnaire format with referring mainly to the table of merchandise classification and the correspondence table of prefectures and the Bureaus of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Survey objects confirm the questionnaire information which was sent back from the entrusted private enterprise, then the entrusted private enterprise submits it to the government 2 days after the date of survey.
10.State of outsourcing to the private sector
The test survey is outsourced to GfK Marketing Services Japan Ltd. (Corporate Number: 9011201002271), mainly for the purpose of data collection, encoding, questionnaire creation, sending reminders, inquiry responding, examination, confirmation and aggregation/analysis.
Statistics report (What's New)
1.Publication schedule of survey results
2019-02-28 Results of the test survey published.(Japanese Only)
Office of Current Survey for Service Industry,
Research and Statistics Department, METI