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Historical Data, Indices of Industrial Production (base = 2020)

Following data are available: Indices of Industrial Production, including Previous data(Connected Indices), Operating Ratio & Production Capacity, and Production Forecast.

Indices of Industrial Production (base = 2020) (Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2024)

updated:2025-1-31 8:50

to previous data

Excel files Excel files Excel files
Original Index Seasonally Adjusted Index Seasonal Index
By industry Year, Fiscal Year, Quarter b2020_goq1e.xlsx b2020_gsq1e.xlsx
* Only Quarter
Month b2020_gom1e.xlsx b2020_gsm1e.xlsx
By goods Year, Fiscal Year, Quarter b2020_zoq1e.xlsx b2020_zsq1e.xlsx
* Only Quarter
Month b2020_zom1e.xlsx b2020_zsm1e.xlsx
By item Year, Fiscal Year, Quarter b2020_hoq1e.xlsx b2020_hsq1e.xlsx
* Only Quarter
Month b2020_hom1e.xlsx b2020_hsm1e.xlsx

* Old data, (the base year =2015) are here.

* The individual data for the item or industry with the "X" mark are kept secret, because these data are collected from only one or two firms.

(Previous data) Indices of Industrial Production (base = 2020) (Jan. 1978 - Dec. 2022)

updated:2023-6-7 13:30

Excel files Excel files
Original Index Seasonally Adjusted Index
By industry Month b2020_sgo1e.xlsx b2020_sgs1e.xlsx
By goods b2020_szo1e.xlsx b2020_szs1e.xlsx

Indices of Industrial Production Forecast (Jan. 2018 - Jan. 2025)

updated:2025-1-31 8:50

Excel files Excel files
Original Index, Seasonally Adjusted Index Seasonal Index
By industry,
By use of goods
Month b2020_ygzosm1je.xlsx b2020_ysi1e.xlsx

* Old data, (the base year =2015) are here.

Indices of Production Capacity and Operating Ratio (base = 2020) (Jan. 2018 - Nov. 2024)

updated:2025-1-20 13:30

Excel files Excel files Excel files
Original Index Seasonally Adjusted Index Seasonal Index
By industry Year, Fiscal Year, Quarter b2020_ngoq1e.xlsx b2020_ngsq1e.xlsx
* Only Quarter
Month b2020_ngom1e.xlsx b2020_ngsm1e.xlsx

* Old data, (the base year =2015) are here.

* Indices of Production Capacity are Original Index only.

(Previous data) Indices of Production Capacity and Operating Ratio (base = 2020) (Jan. 1978 - Dec. 2022)

updated:2023-6-7 13:30

Excel files Excel files
Original Index Seasonally Adjusted Index
By industry Month b2020_nsgo1e.xlsx b2020_nsgs1e.xlsx

* Indices of Production Capacity are Original Index only.

Other data

updated:2023-6-7 13:30

Contents Click to download
Base2020 Indices of Industrial Production Weight
(By industry, By goods, By item and Indices of Production Forecast)
* Old data, (the base year =2015) are here, (the base year =2010) are here, (the base year =2005) are here.

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Last updated:2025-1-31
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8901, Japan Tel: +81-(0)3-3501-1511
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.